Community Meeting Sunday 17th February 3-5pm at St George Community Centre

Update: Read a report about what happened at this meeting on page 7 of the March edition of the St George & Redfield Voice.

The St George Community Planning Group is organising a public meeting to give an update on our work over the past few months. This will include sharing the ideas of some students from UWE that we have been working with for improvements to the park and asking you for your views.

There will also be an update from Cllr Asher Craig on the plans for toilets and for the café in the park which are to be funded by ‘Community Infrastructure Levy’ (CIL). This money was allocated by our local Councillors via the Area Committee following our meetings last year. This meeting will also start the process of allocating money for this year, so if you have ideas for projects that you would like to be funded there will be a chance to have your say.

More details about the process for allocating CIL and how the Area Committees work are on the Council’s websites at

Information about the projects discussed last year can be seen at

The Police will also be at the meeting to talk about the incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour that occured in the park last year and to update us on the situation in St George in general.
There will also be brief updates from local Councillors on the issues they have been addressing.

The St George Community Planning Group is a ‘topic’ group of the St George Community Network, Details of all our topic groups can be seen at

Meeting 20th June 2018

The next St George Community Network meeting will be on Wednesday 20th June at St George Library at 7.30pm.

As well as a chance to meet and talk to members of community groups throughout St George this will be a chance to continue our discussions on the various projects that were covered at our meeting in March.

The intention is to form a Community Planning Task & Finish Group, to work with the St George Councillors and others to firm up proposals and look at options for funding.

Cllr Asher Craig will also be there to give an update on the options for reinstating toilet facilities in St George Park for the summer as well as possible long-term solutions.

It is now 12 months since the SGCN formally came into existence, so this meeting will also be our AGM – but please don’t let that put you off, the formal part of the meeting will be kept very short.

If you would like to volunteer to join the SGCN working group to help run the organisation please let us know at the meeting or email to find out more about what is involved.

Project Ideas for St George – Meeting 14th March 7pm

Update 17th March: See our Projects Page for the outcome of the meeting.

St George Councillors are asking for suggestions for allocating Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money to projects in St George.

Influencing the way these funds is spent is one of the most important roles of the St George Community Network and we are going to focus on this at our next Networking Meeting which will be held on Wednesday 14th March at 7pm at St George Community Centre, Church Rd.

The meeting is aimed particularly at community groups and organisations working in St George but all interested residents are welcome.

The meeting will update you on what the Network and other groups have been doing, including our Topic Groups and there will also be a chance to meet and talk to those running the groups.

The main part of the meeting will be asking how you think the money available from CIL should be spent in St George. So please come along with your ideas. Projects could be improvements in parks, to community buildings or other public assets. We are particularly interested in projects where work can start within 12 months but longer term projects that get community support could be held over to apply for funding next year. Highways schemes are being treated separately because of the long time it takes to get them started.

Read more about CIL and the process for agreeing how it is spent >>

List of potential projects in St George >>

If you are unable to come to the meeting but have an idea for a project you would like to see put forward then please email us.