Topic Groups

Our ‘Topic Groups’ cover particular issues within St George. These give local residents the chance to meet and discuss issues in more detail and then drive action to bring improvements to St George.

Active Travel GroupDevelopment Group

Topic groups will be able to work with Councillors and others to put pressure on the Council, Police and other bodies to ensure that St George gets its fair share of any funds that are available and influence how services are provided. They will also be able to ensure that the impacts on residents are considered when decisions are made on issues such as planning.

In addition where appropriate topic groups will be able to apply for grants and organise public meetings and campaigns. In the future special Topic Groups might be established to run projects or campaign on specific issues.

The groups are led by volunteer members of the St George Community Network Working Group. The groups that have currently been set up are listed below. Much of the work of the Topic Groups is done by email but the groups also hold regular meetings to discuss issues.

Please contact if you are interested in joining any of the topic groups or if you would like to form a group on any of the topics that are not covered.

St George Active Travel Group – led by Lyndsey

This newly (July 2020) established group is going to look at things such as where pavements should be widened; where there should be a new cycle route; or where roads should be closed to through (motor) traffic to encourage walking and cycling and to improve the environment for residents.

If you are interested in joining then please email Lyndsey via and she will add you to her mailing list, the group is currently holding meetings via zoom.

The group also has its own Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Development Groupled by Paul

The aim of the SGCN Development Group is to preserve and enhance the character of St George, its architecture, green spaces, trees and amenities, for the benefit of the community of St George.

The group will consider any proposals for major development in St George at either planning application or pre-application stage. They will meet potential developers to discuss proposed developments and raise planning issues that should be addressed in the interests of the community. The group will also publicise potential major developments to the community of St George for the community’s input and comment.

The SGCN Development Group is a member of the Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network and will also work closely with the planning group of the Church Road Action Group.