(Originally sent to our email list 14th June 2017)
We are in the process of finalising our plans for the public meeting that will launch the St George Community Partnership next week, we are keen that as many local people as possible get involved.
Public meeting at St George Library at 7.30pm on Wednesday 21st June.
At the follow up meeting meeting on Wed 5th July (also at the Library) we will elect a chair and committee and hope to formally adopt the terms of reference for the new organisation.
The current plans are that the organisation will be a sub-group of the St George Community Association, this will avoid having two organisations in St George with similar aims and will simplfy the process of setting up the new organisation so that more time can be devoted to addressing issues in St George.
The article on the St George NP website at www.stgeorgenp.org.uk/a-new-start/ now has a link to the constitution of the Community Association as well as the proposed terms of reference.
Once the new organisation is set up the intention is that it will have its own website and take over the existing St George NP facebook and twitter accounts.
Cllr Asher Craig will be at the meeting on the 21st and will be talking briefly about the Council’s ‘Your Neighbourhood’ consultation that launched yesterday and runs until September. There will be another meeting in St George later in the consultaion period where residents will have a chance to talk about the issues raised in more detail so it will not be covered in depth at this meeting.
The consultation covers Public Toilets, Libraries, Neighbourhood Partnerships, School Crossing Patrols and Community Links services. See bristol.citizenspace.com/bristol-city-council/yourneighbourhood